We are in the season of graduations and convocations, end-of-year banquets and ceremonies, pool parties and sky-high energy levels.
If you are raising a school-age child, you know all about this bountiful time of year.
Today also happens to be the boys’ last day of school and our youngest’s convocation (off to high school we go!). So with the frenzy of excitement encircling us, I thought it might be fun to kick-off summer with a Friday Favorites list, which I’ve been meaning to do forever!
Friday Favorites is a random and ever-changing selection of some of my favorite finds in and around the web. The categories will vary widely but hopefully there is at least something that will appeal to most.
Be sure to click on the italicized colored links beneath each photograph to be taken to the original source (where available).
Now since it is Friday and we are celebrating, I thought we might start in the libations section, shall we?
Enjoy and do let me know what you think of FF!
Favorite Spirit
Favorite Repurposing Idea
Favorite Rest Inspiration
Favorite Wake Up
Favorite Mudroom Fantasy Feature
Favorite Out of the Box Culinary Creation
Favorite Blog Post
Favorite Kitchen Storage Feature
Favorite Kitchen Savvy Organizing Idea
Freeze Fresh Herbs in Olive Oil ~ freeze seasonal herbs in a little bit of olive oil and add to all of your favorite dishes throughout the year.
how awesome, right? I want to build it immediately! :)
reading your notes is like opening a gift Elizabeth, thank u ♡ ♡ ♡. I absolutely think you should enhance, enlarge and pin that breakfast for Mother’s day :). Hugs.
the pasta is cool, isn’t it — I’ve never seen that before!
Truly, that blueberry margarita is one of the most gorgeous drinks I have ever seen. It’s just got a dreamy quality to it and, like you, it makes me want to rush out and buy copious amounts of fresh blueberry!! Cheers Sissi, xx.
Isn’t the tray great? I thought you would like it Ms. Taylor ;-) perfect for the cottage (or the boat perhaps). I am definitely making the mango tart!
Love your slushie! Thank you for the inspiration ♡.
isn’t it something? I tell you, I’m still laughing and I came across it a month ago, The answer to all my prayers ;-). The chickens intrigue me but we already have two animals (some might say more – heeheeh) my hands are definitely full!! :)
Oh I love your Friday Favorites! Is this your first one or have I missed something? I love them all, but I especially love the “Favorite Smile”. That is hilarious! The basil pasta is incredible and quite gorgeous and yes, I have considered raising chickens in the back yard, but Bobby knows he would end up have to do most of the work, so that’s been nixed. :) Fun post Kelly!
Thanks for the wine slushy love :)
Wow! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all your favourites! The shutter tray is fantastic! Definitely will keep my eyes open for garage sale finds. That mango tart is gorgeous! I make an apple tart that I can ‘steal’ this idea for 😉
Eva http://kitcheninspirations.wordpress.com
I have my head full of images, but the blueberry margarita comes back every two seconds…. To be frank I remember two things: your post idea is full of fabulous ideas I want to check and… I have to buy blueberries! (I have just looked at the photograph again… amazing…). On the other hand I shouldn’t complain: I’m sipping now a glass of shochu with a huge ice cube and some frozen yuzu (I have literally emptied the supermarket yuzu shelf -they had only ten fruits – before I came back from Tokyo and froze most of the fruits in pieces… a piece of aromatic yuzu is a priceless cocktail addition now).
This post is a wonderful idea! Please repeat it!
How exciting to start summer vacation! Too bad grownups don’t really get that :( Love all these links…especially that herb pasta- how beautiful!! Happy Friday, Kelly :)
Congratulations to your son! The move to High School is big, you must be full of emotions today mom… I hope it’s a beautiful day for your family Kelly.
I loved this post and the idea generally! I have a feeling I will be enjoying your various categories too. Like others, I’m taken by the dog washing station (how great) but by so many others too. That laminated pasta is incredible. I’ve never seen anything like that before. I’m with you on the handmade chocolate hearts; so pretty and luxurious. I’m going to save that breakfast and stick it on the fridge right before mother’s day next year! :) I hope you make Friday Favorites a regular — I know I would enjoy! Have a great weekend and a fun time celebrating Kelly! Congrats.
So many great ideas here — but I must vote for the dog washing station as my fave, too!
isn’t that just the greatest? Such a simple idea but perfect storage planning idea for future use — especially when herbs are out of season. Toss a few in soups, sauces, warm grains, veggie stir-fries, sweet potato… so many possibilities; yum!! :)
definitely wouldn’t be able to manage weekly ;-) but I’m thinking maybe monthly (or so) if there was interest. It’s a pleasure to feature you and your beautiful blog Sandra! You inspire all of us in so many ways.
So many great ideas and recipes…I’m honored to be part! I love this idea, you should do it every friday…although I know how impossible that sounds…especially in the summer! Yay to no more school for the time being ;) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I see a string of memories float in front of me comprised of airless courtrooms, humorless business meetings and downright awkward conversations — all dissolve in the face of the interpretive dance ;-). The answer was right there in front of me all along!! :O
Thank you for your enthusiasm Sally, xx.
I don’t know where to start… of course, the doggies… cannot stop melting… the interpretive dance got me! If you could imagine the type of week I’ve had (and it’s not over) with two of our graduate students, you would either laugh with me or cry with me… still, that picture is perfect. I should print it out and frame it…
Loved this post. Loved it!