I recently visited my mom in the Laurentian mountains of Quebec. I like to deliver her Christmas treats in person and spend some time together before our nuclear family hunkers down for the holidays.
Although there wasn’t much snow to speak of, there were plenty of bright lights and decorations strewn about, and a general feeling of Christmas in our bellies.
We ate French onion soup at our favourite crêperie in Saint-Sauveur, got our hair cut (ok, I got a hair cut and my mom graciously accompanied me), and cuddled up in our pjs to watch Christmas specials in front of the fire.
My favourite part of the visit though, was cooking dinner together. We don’t get to do that very often and it’s pretty memorable when we do. Not because it’s grand by any stretch, but because we’re together. I had brought some shrimp along and mom picked up some great looking produce for the visit: cauliflower, mushrooms and two huge pomegranates. While I stir-fried the shrimp, mom looked after seeding the pomegranate (doing a mighty fine job I might add, not nearly the mess I typically create).
I had the cauliflower ready to go in the oven and thought I would add the mushroom to the roasting pan when I noticed mom already had them going on the stove-top. Now I’ve probably been using olive oil in frying for at least a decade. My mom, like many long-living French Canadian women before her, uses butter.
Well, if those mushrooms weren’t the best darn things I had ever tasted…
I’ll never forget them. Merci Maman.
Roasted Cauliflower with Seared Butter Mushrooms and Pomegranate
1 head cauliflower, chopped into bite-sized pieces
1 generous cup button mushrooms, sliced fairly thin
1 pomegranate, seeded
2 tsp butter
Drizzle of olive oil
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
Sea salt & black pepper to taste
I have pommegranates in my garden. Very very good.
These looks incredible! And I totally have to agree with you mushrooms + butter are a match made in heaven.
So glad you had a nice visit with your Mom. My friend Kim’s (boss) parents live in Lac Brûlé, just a hop skip and a jump from your Mom. I’ve been there many years ago and it’s simply beautiful countryside.Your roasted cauliflower dish looks wonderful and I love the addition of pomegranate.
That’s wonderful that you and your mom got to spend some quality time the kitchen. That always makes for the best memories.
Thanks Junia! I love cauliflower to, no matter how you serve it up to me! Have a great day – xo
Hi Shuhan! Thanks so much for dropping by – will check out your version… ;0
i seriously just love cauliflower. it is sooo good. i love steaming and roasting them! i will def. have to try your recipe. :) i used to live near canada, (when i lived in MI) but have yet to visit quebec! my students used to go there for an overnight field trip!
love roasted cauliflower too! i shared one roasted with chilli and garlic a couple of months ago, using these gorgeous purple and green romanesco caulis from the farmers’ market. this looks yum! nice idea with the pom seeds!
The roasting process really brings out the flavour in food and it’s so convenient; very little preparation involved, got to love that!
The colour is so pretty – pomegranate is the ultimate seasonal seed ;0)
The pom seeds come through remarkably well in this dish given that they’re competing with two heavy hitters.
I like your enthusiasm! Thanks Alicia… :)
i love roasted cauliflower! i like the addition of the pom seeds, to add a little sweet to the savory
Ohh, I love the addition of pomegranate for both a burst of freshness, crunch and color! What a wonderful memory you have created with your mom!
Aww how fun! Sounds like some good quality time was spent together. This dish sounds delicious…the pom seeds must give such great little bursts of flavor!
Thanks so much for your thoughtful words Christy – and you’re exactly right, the dish is special to me precisely because it is a mom and daughter thing attached to some pretty wonderful memories… ;)
Okay now this just looks so delicious and is my kind of recipe!! I am excited to try this soon!!
It’s always lovely and just so heart-warming to be with mummy again, don’t you think? No matter how old we are, there is always a part of us who just wants to be that little girl and enjoy our mummy’s attention :)
The quality bonding time is often too short but it is all the more precious and anything that you do together always brings warmth to your heart. I am sure this dish will always taste this good as it is a mum and daughter dish, lovelyyy :)
Oui, oui, Chérie…
hmm… let’s see, I’m in Eastern Ontario – mom is North of Montreal – you are just south of Western Ontario… It would make for a bit of a walk but hey, I’m up to it! ;0
thanks Sally! Yeah, the pom mess. That’s why I was so overjoyed when my girlfriend gifted me pom seeds ready to go!! Can you imagine the convenience?!!
Ah, yes, the distance thing. It can be tough for sure. I have nine siblings and we all live in different directions… those childhood memories last a lifetime though (good or bad – haha!!)
It creates very special memories doesn’t it – there is so much ritual and joy around food…
hee-hee, thanks Kristy… I think you guys have visited Montreal (I still remember Mike’s Habs shirt – and his DQ Expos cap) but the rest of Quebec – including the Laurentians and Quebec city are very worthwhile. Big Province… so much to discover!
Mushrooms, it turns out, are pretty wonderful tasting and personally i’ve always loved cauliflower. Sometimes all you need is a little salt and butter. It’s not complicated; it’s just good.
thanks Angie!
haha, that’s great! my mom is generally happy allowing pushy pants here take over in the kitchen… I like getting her involved though; it’s nice doing things jointly.
the pomegranate works surprisingly well – juicy, refreshing and crunchy – a great addition to an otherwise simple but flavourful dish. And have I mentioned easy? ;0
Thanks so much Mandy – who know butter tasted so good?! (hee-hee…)
Thanks for visiting from afar Nami! How nice to see you here. I hope you’re having a wonderful trip – xo
yay! Cauliflower and broccoli are like one big happy brassica family ;0
We had a really nice visit and there’s just something about the lead up to Christmas that makes it extra special. Montreal is the city of my skin. I hope you love your time there!
haha – I don’t remember the last time I had stir-fried veggies in butter (!) probably when I was living at home…what a treat! My mom and her mom with their butter and lard… my Grandmaman was a whisker away from 100 when she past – full of life and love. Thanks Anne!
Oh, how cool! I have to try your guacamole… I love when the unexpected arises and is a success – thanks Eliot!
I’m glad you enjoyed your visit to Quebec… Merry Christmas to you too and thank you for visiting!
Hi Carolyn! Thanks so much for dropping by.
Aww, Qc. is a pretty nice place to visit… I would also love to visit Switzerland; I have never been…
yes, I had almost forgotten the taste of butter – lol – what a treat.
How far are you from Minnesota?
Do you speak French?
You. R. Awesome. …oh, and the cauliflower & mush. Looks Super. Xx
My Inner Chick http://myinnerchick.com
I agree with you on the pomegranate seeds – and, like you, I make a scene worthy of a Law and Order crime investigation once I’m done seeding the fruit. Not pretty. But they add so much to so many types of recipes…
nice that you were able to spend great time with your Mom!
Hi Kelly, What a lovely memory. My sisters and I used to create cooking memories at Christmas before we got so far apart (distance wise that is). The roasted cauliflower looks amazing. WHat a festive idea to add pomegranate! I bet it adds a beautiful pop and sweetness.
I’m so glad you had a nice time with your mom. Cooking with my mom is one of my favorite things to do as well. :) This is a fabulous dish!
Now you have me wanting to try cauliflower. You are improving my healthy eating habits all the time. :) Thank you! Now, we just have to get to Quebec one of these days. Mike’s dying to go too. So perhaps one of our road trips we’ll make it up there. :)
The seared butter mushrooms sound heavenly. What a great looking dish!
Haven’t had cauliflowers in a while…this sounds and looks really tempting.
Aw, this sounds like such a nice time with your mom! I’m glad you guys enjoyed getting to cook together. When my mom and I end up in the kitchen together, arguing usually ensues ;)
A wonderful side dish Kelly! Love the pom twist… I woud have not thought of adding that to cauliflower & mushroom. Got to try this over the holidays. Sounds like you had a great visit with your Mom…makes for nice memories :)
I grew up with imperial at home, but don’t understand it at all now. I find the whole “cups” system incredibly inaccurate, and it annoys me no end when I see Swedish recipes, with their penchant for decilitres (even for solids!)
Grams, litres and metres is the way to go… then we can do away with things like “bushels” :D
You’re right, I should have said 1Tbsp! :)
(I vacillate between imperial and metric – I had already learnt imperial when metric was imposed on us)
Let’s see, 250 grams in a cup
16 Tbsp in a cup
15 grams or so of butter for the ‘shrooms sounds about right but, quite naturally, this is an estimate and you can do as you see fit!
Have a good day Charles!
What a lovely dish – very original combination of flavours. I too only ever fry my mushrooms in butter. Fantastic that you were able to spend some special time with your Mom.
:-) Mandy
I’m a big cauliflower fan and roasted cauliflower has been my to make list this fall (wait it’s winter now!). Looks like I have to wait another few weeks before I can try this as I’m not cooking during my vacation, but I’m very much looking forward to trying. I’ll definitely add mushrooms and your seasonings seem just perfect for the dish!
Do you know how many grams of butter a teaspoon equates to? I want to say 5g but it seems so little – I’ve never understood how a solid cube of something can be measured in a teaspoon… perhaps I’m missing something :D
Nice to see you keep your mushroom stalks on… I always found these were the nicest part, but I’m amazed at the people who religiously pull them off (like people who always peel their cucumbers I suppose :o )
Bet the pomegranate gives a lovely little juicy buzz – lovely looking mix of cauli and ‘shroom! :)
Oh I just LOVE Roasted Cauliflower… it’s one of my fav. I also love to eat this with broccoli. Love this recipe
It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your mom!! I will be visiting Montreal for the first time this summer for a conference and I am really looking forward to visiting! Now, onto this dish. It looks SO delicious! The butter mushrooms do sound unforgettable!
Hi Kelly! There’s nothing that brings out the fabulous flavors of veggies than roasting them. Except….butter!!! And I’ve become hooked on pomegranate seeds! What a wonderful idea to spend time with your mom one on one before the onslaught of the entire family. And it sounds like you had a wonderful time! Your beautiful picture definitely makes me want to try this lovely recipe! : )
What a great memory making visit with your mums. I agree with you about not underestimating the pomegranate in this dish. We once were served a guacamole with feta and pomegranates. Odd yet very tasty. Love the looks of this dish!!!!!!
This sounds lovely – on so many levels. We visited Quebec last year and loved it so much. What a sweet visit and the recipe sounds very good. Merry Christmas to you and yours. xoxo
This looks like a delicious side dish. I haven’t been to Quebec in years (grew up in Toronto), you make it sound so lovely.
Kelly, you have made me dream again of visiting Québec… It’s the first place in the North America I would love to see. Hearing the beautiful French Canadian accent has been a humble linguist’s dream for many years…
Your roasted cauliflower and mushrooms look fabulous and even though I fry most of the time in oil, the use of butter has miraculous effects.