When my sons were a bit younger, they would often ask me about my favourite dessert. (Just one of those kid questions). The query would go something like this: “Mommy, if you were stranded on a desert island and could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life… what would it be?”
I would hem and haw and stammer in my response, flustered by the sheer vastness of possibilities and hesitant to lock myself in to any one dessert. Nevertheless, beyond my predictable dark chocolate reflex, this luscious pudding cake would always come up in the discussions as one of my very favourites.
Now, if you don’t like citrus, flip to a different page.
Good, you’re still with me. Phew.
This is a light and creamy dessert with a gorgeous tart citrus flavour. The creaminess is derived from the whipped egg whites and milk (not cream) and, true to its name, it offers up a lip-smacking combination of moist pudding and textured cake (especially if you follow the recipe).
Lemon-Lime Pudding Cake with Warm Raspberries
Zest of 1 lemon and 2 limes
2 eggs, separated
2 Tbsp butter, softened
1/2 cup golden demerara sugar
1/3 cup lemon or lime juice or a combination of both
1/4 cup whole grain flour
1 cup milk
2 cups raspberries (I used frozen)
You can use lemon or lime zest/juice for this pudding cake or a combination of both (which is what I’ve done here).
If you’re like me and tend to be a little slapdash in the measurement department, this is one recipe where you might want to tighten it up a bit. Too much flour and you’ll end up with a firm cake, too much juice and you’ll end up with a lake. I have made this recipe many, many times and the measurements are pretty bang on to achieve the perfect harmony (!) between pudding and cake.
You can bake this pudding cake in 6 ramekins (1 cup each/125mL) or a singular baking dish (6 cups/1.5L).
Warm oven to 350 F.
In a mixing bowl, whisk together citrus zest, egg yolks, butter and sugar. Add citrus juice, followed by flour and milk.
In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form; fold into batter.
Pour pudding cake batter into individual ramekins or singular baking dish. I like to add another sprinkle of zest at this stage.
Place ramekins or baking dish into a larger pan and add boiling water such that it comes up about 1 inch (2.5 cm) along the sides of the pan. The water prevents the pudding cake from drying out while baking and also minimizes cracking (I omitted this step and immediately regretted it).
Place pudding cake with pan in oven and bake for approximately 40 minutes.
In the meantime, place frozen raspberries in a small pot over low-medium heat on the stove. Add 1 Tbsp of water and 1 Tbsp of maple syrup, allowing berries to thaw and warm.
Remove pudding cake from oven and allow it to cool for 10 minutes.
Scoop into individual serving dishes and spoon warm berries over top.
You can also refrigerate and serve this dessert cold (including the berries). Both are delicious!
Aren’t they the best? (most of the time – LOL)
Thanks FoodJaunts! I’m with you on the chilled version through the summer…
Haha, yes pudding definitely acts on the taste buds doesn’t it? ;-)
Thanks Jeanette ~ you’re absolutely right… you can eat it warm or cold and it’s just so delish and comforting –
me too…! Thanks Magic :)
hee.hee, chocolate is always a safe bet. Clafoutis is a bit more on the eggy side – this one a bit more on the cake/pudding side but both delightful….
Thanks so much for dropping in Col! What a nice surprise :) I’m glad you enjoyed this one.
That looks so good, and I love citrus desserts :)
This is a fabulous recipe
That sounds very similar to a clafouti which is one of my all-time favorite desserts. Although I might have to go with chocolate is stranded on a desert island…
This looks like comfort in a bowl Kelly. I could eat this warm or cold.
If this is the answer to the desert island question, then it has to be fantastic! I do LOVE citrus, so no problem there and just the word “pudding” makes my mouth start to water. This one I will definitely have to try!
That pudding cake looks incredible. I love the idea of doing a chilled version on a hot day
I love the questions kids ask! This dessert looks lovely!
Thanks so much Sissi! This is a nice light and delicious one so if you enjoy the elements, I bet you’ll love it! I hope you’re having a great day :)
Hee.hee, there’s something so compelling about the thought of a dessert island… thanks Caroline!
hee.hee, I’m terrible at following recipes – so much so that I start to sweat when I have to put my list together for my posts (I can never remember how much I’ve used of this and that…) but I have to laugh because my husband (a science guy), is always reminding me that baking is different – it’s a little like chemistry and you can’t just freely change the ingredients and the measurements as you please (so there you have it, it drives my husband nuts too! haha).
consistency wise, think of a layer of cake on top and warm pudding on the bottom – so delish…
Looking forward to your textbook recipe ;)
me too! Thanks :)
Thanks so much Stephanie – my son describes it as a cross between a raspberry blondie and a lemon/lime bar.
Hee.hee, thanks Eliot!! :)
Thanks so much France ~ I hope you enjoy it if you give it a try :)
Chocolate and nut butter… I like how you think young lady! :)
Thanks so much Asmita – it is rather seasonal, isn’t it… hope your day is going well :)
Indeed. Thanks Leaf ~ oh yeah, baby!! :)
Hee.hee, I’m not sure I could eat any one thing forever… yet, my kids force me to answer these questions at regular intervals – lol.
That’s a great way to put it! Thanks Tiffany.
haha, Agreed! Thanks Angie.
Thanks Lisa, hope you’re having a great day! :)
Thanks so much Chris – it’s a pretty nice combination…!
Soft is such a great way to describe it… you’re absolutely right. Thanks Medeja!
Thanks Yummy Chunklet! It’s satisfies at all levels… ;)
citrus rice pudding?! How exciting… you’ll have to share with me; I love rice pudding but have never had a citrus one before… yum!
I hope you enjoy it – the prep is very easy and, you now know, it’s one of my faves! :)
warm raspberries do have a certain ring, don’t they?!! :)
Haha, I hear your pain…! ;-) Thanks so much for saying hello Damn Delish.
Yay, let me know if you do! Hope you like it :)
I know what you mean; citrus is a great flavour enhancer… thanks Kay.
Celebrations are in order indeed… Enjoy Dah’ling!!
Thank you – I quite like the little life force in the header too – thanks for noticing :)
Hi KoKo – me too… just love citrus – and that raw coconut creme pie sounds crazy delish… coming over to visit your blog soon… :)
I hear your call on the creme brullee… I think my top 3 would be: dark chocolate torte, lemon/lime pudding cake and creme brullee – there you have it! :)
Your “situation” sounds intriguing… blog away sister! ;-)
haha, I love it! I think you went with the perfect option :) Thinking of you…!
I think this is the only pudding cake I’ve ever known… unless molten chocolate cakes count (somehow, we never refer to those as “pudding” cakes) – either way, quite delicious, I must say. Thanks for dropping by Janet!
thank you – it tastes even better :)
Kelly, I love all the lemon desserts and this one looks soft, light and has raspberries, so how could I not dream about it? Lime addition makes it very intriguing.
Raspberries seem such an obvious company for lemon and yet, I have never tried them together. As well as limes and lemons. I must take more inspiration from your creative ideas!
Ohh I’m definitely a citrus lover. This sounds amazing! I would be just fine eating this dessert for the rest of my life on a deserted island. Yuuum! x
“(especially if you follow the recipe)” – lol :D
I’m terrible at this… I get scoldings from my wife for almost never being able to stick to a recipe, although I did recently, pretty much – post to follow on that point.
It’s always fun to see desserts which people consider their favourite, or one of their favourites – I’m not sure if I could fall back on chocolate all the time to be honest. I love it, but I can quickly get tired of it – I’d always choose something lighter and citrussy. This sounds delicious – I’m especially curious about what the consistency must be like!
Awesome, really looks good.
i really want it.
I love citrus-y desserts! This cake looks light and delicious!
No hemming or hawing here. This sounds delicious—especially with warm raspberries. YUM!
I’m really looking forward to trying this. It’s so hard to find lovely desserts where I’m comfortable using whole grain flours and not have it be a taste disaster. This looks wonderful and I’m a huge fan of citrus!
wow what a simple pudding cake to make. hehe i have a hard time picking one dessert too, but mine will always have to include a bit of chocolate and nut butter. :)
The pudding cake has all my favorite ingredients. Love the warm berries on top. Perfect for the season!
Totally adore citrus, as most people who read my blog would suspect. So I very much like the look of this… oh yeah!
I’ve never had anything like this but I’m quite sure I would love it! Um, maybe not forever on a deserted island, though… :)
lemon-lime!!!! Refreshing meets comforting! Love this cake!
That’s not an easy question to answer….
Your lemon/lime pudding cake looks delectable indeed.
this looks wonderful!
Hi Kitblu, thanks so much for stopping by and having a second look. I’m not sure I’ve ever come across a lemon dessert (bars, cakes or otherwise) that doesn’t call for 1 to 3 cups of sugar! The half cup in this case is distributed among 6 cups, so in the end, quite a neglible amount. Stevia is certainly an option though you will want to use far less than 1/2 cup as it is sweeter tasting than sugar. Thanks again for visiting!
Kelly, you’ve combined some of my favorite things, raspberries being on the top of the list and citrus not far down, I love this, it looks wonderful!
It looks beautiful! Soft and flavorful!
What a delicious and light looking cake!
Thanks for sharing! Definitely want to try it this weekend.
Did you say Warm Raspberries?
Everytime I come over here, my taste buds go WILD.
Xxxxx Kissssssssssss
I’m a huge (HUUUGE) citrus lover so this is absolutely for me. Although I’m a bit skeptical about making this because if I do, I’ll eat the entire thing without stopping!
Pudding and cake together? And citrus? I’m putting this on my list of recipes to try! What a lovely dessert, Kelly. Thanks for sharing it.
I almost passed over this recipe – not interested in pudding at all and limited interest in cake – but with all the citrus and (mainly) healthy ingredients – I will use stevia instead of sugar – I can’t resist!
I am just loving the lemon lime flavor inside this pudding. I love using lemon and limes to replace salt at times. Wonderful recipe
This looks like something I could celebrate with. :) And you know, I think I just happen to have all the ingredients on hand! Love the little plant up top in the header too. Citrus and raspberries – I don’t think there could be a better combination.
Lovely, it is the same flavor profile as my favorite citrus rice pudding dessert.
I loooove citrus!
I think my new favourite dessert is a raw coconut creme pie…..I’m just obsessed with it!
Difficult question. I would be tempted to say my favorite is creme brullee, but maybe for the situation in which I tried it for the first time – note to self: must blog about it someday! ;-)
but my favorite flavor is definitely citrus, so your dessert would make me very very happy
How did you know lemon pudding cake was on my list of recipes to try! I was contemplating making one with berries for our #berrylove bloghop but ended up going with something else. Now I have a reputable recipe to try ;) I think a citrus dessert would definitely be my choice for my “last meal”…even before chocolate!
I do so love a good pudding cake. I love that you used both Lemon and Limes in this instead of just lemon. YUMMY!!
pudding looks wonderful