as this very long year winds down, i’ve been turning over questions about presence, trust and self-expression.
themes that feel like the work of lifelong chiseling rather than anything i would expect to wrap up in any tidy way. yet they provide a canvas for exploration and curiosity; maybe some will resonate with you too or guide you to those that feel most present for you:
- how do we learn to be where we are, instead of rushing to the next thing ~ how often do we revert to a desire to change the past or control the future
- how do we actually see what we’re looking at ~ what influences our reflexive perceptions of experience and can we find ways to gently challenge them
- how do we reframe hardship as part of a larger unfolding ~ what synchronicities do we notice when we shape our perception in this way
- how do we find the courage to speak what’s inside us, even when it’s hard and uncomfortable ~ what shows up in our bodies when there’s a mismatch between what we carry in our hearts and what we’ve not yet expressed
these are just some of the reflections i’m carrying into the new year that are part of a larger ongoing conversation, but they’re not just mine— they’re universal themes that connect us all.
wishing you moments of peace and gentle unfolding in this new year ✨
Thank you for your thoughtful reflections. We wish you all the best for the coming year.
The courage to speak what’s inside—that’s the work, isn’t it? It’s hard, but reading this makes me feel less alone in the struggle.
so happy to hear that it could be of some comfort – yes, the mismatch eventually becomes too much to carry; like wearing someone else’s skin, it doesn’t fit.
I like how these questions feel open-ended, like they’re not looking for answers but just inviting exploration. It’s refreshing and really comforting. Thank you!
ah, so nice to hear that the format resonated, thank you for sharing that with me ~ i’ve never done well with rigid third party instruction haha it’s nice to find our own way ~ cheers.
This is one of the most thoughtful and evocative New Year’s reflections I’ve ever read – thank you Kelly and Happy New Year !
so glad it landed for you that way ~ thank you for letting me know ~ happy new year!