if you’re feeling a little deflated as we move away from the holidays and into the depths of winter, i’ve fashioned a vibrant and restorative breakfast bowl with delicious ingredients to remind us that January can bring its own delights.
i’ve dipped into some of the cheerful remnants from the holidays that we had on hand — crunchy and beautiful pomegranate arils, homemade granola and tangy winter citrus — combined with the practicality of frozen blueberries, all laid on a bed of creamy icelandic yogurt… the result is an assortment of vibrant colours, textures and flavours that awaken the senses and nourish the soul.
this preparation also has the distinct advantage of being blissfully easy which is helpful as we gather ourselves up again.
feel free to follow the suggestions in the recipe card or use whatever you have on hand in your fridge or freezer, or pick up some fresh finds at your local market — this is more of an idea than a recipe, leaving plenty of room to adapt it to your dietary preferences and imagination.
and, of course, you can enjoy this bowl any time of day!
- In this Flourish Bowl✨
The Base- ✩ i'm using a mixture of plain icelandic yogurt and cottage cheese (feel free to sub your preferences including non-dairy yogurts/ cheese spreads) depending on where you are, you could also opt for a warm base with whole grains such as buckwheat, millet, quinoa or oats, etc.
Options for Toppings- ✩ pomegranate arils (these jewels are usually available through january)
- ✩ homemade sunrise granola (low sugar) -- recipe linked below
- ✩ frozen blueberries or berries of choice (i pop them right into the bowl from frozen and they thaw as i eat but of course you could thaw/heat first as preferred)
- ✩ fresh fruit slices such as apple, pear, persimmon or feijoa -- whatever is in season near you
- ✩ dried orange centerpiece (these are not just pretty, they are delicious! no sugar added just dehydrated -- they store beautifully in a mason jar once fully dehydrated and are great to have on hand for decorating desserts, garnishing drinks or just snacking on! recipe linked below)
- ✩ small seeds (1 Tbsp or so) such as hemp or chia
- ✩ all natural plum jam -- recipe linked below
- mix with love and enjoy! ✩

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